by admin22 | Aug 26, 2021 | News
This month’s 100 Club winners are a shy bunch but we can say they live in Oundle and Nassington and one of them has won before. With nearly all numbers sold this year we usually award all 3 prizes each month: £100 , £50 and £25. Call us for details of how to...
by admin22 | Aug 20, 2021 | News
Congratulations to our July 100 Club Winners! £100 was won by Mrs Ryan, a long time, royal supporter from Woodnewton £50 was won by a member from Islip £25 was won by Mrs Jerwood, a volunteer from Woodford
by admin22 | Jul 22, 2021 | News
Here are our 100 Club latest results Congratulations to our June winners, unusually all based in Oundle £100 anonymous member in Oundle £50 Tony Hoyle – an Oundle driver £25 anonymous driver in Oundle
by admin22 | Jul 22, 2021 | News
We confirm we have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here. We have cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures in line with...
by admin22 | Jun 1, 2021 | News
Congratulations to the May winners of VA’s 100 club. First prize (£100) went to Mrs Crook, a member from Oundle. £50 was won by Mr M, another member from Oundle and third prize of £25 went to Mr Simon Murray, one of our volunteers from Oundle. Strangely enough...
by admin22 | Apr 12, 2021 | News
Good news for the winners of our 100 Club in March. The first prize of £100 was won by Mrs A Smith, one of our members from Oundle. Duncan Hook, a volunteer driver from Oundle won our second prize of £50 and 3rd prize (£25) was won by Mrs Y, another volunteer...