Christmas Quiz Sheets for Sale!

Our annual Christmas fundraising Quiz Sheets are available for sale at Colemans of Oundle and also The Oundle Bookshop. They are priced at £1 each and you have until the 31st December to return your completed answer sheet to us – cash prizes for the lucky...

We are Hiring!

Take a look at our Positions available page – as we are hiring a Group Befriending Co-Ordinator to establish and delivery group events in East Northants North and Corby. We look forward to you joining our team!

Congratulations to Ellis Ray!!

Congratulations to Ellis Ray – the winner of the ”Guess How many sweets in the Jar” competition held at The Fletton Fields Village Fete on 8th July. The correct answer is 332 and the nearest guess was 8 out! Here is a picture of a very shy Ellis...

Volunteers Week – Open Morning 7th June

Have you been thinking about Volunteering? Are you a current Volunteer of VA? if so – we would like to invite you to our open morning on 7th June 10.30am – 1pm in The Hub, Fletton house, Glapthorn Way, Oundle. We have tea, coffee and cake to say than you...